Structural Repair of Single Family Home – repair to corner area of house that was struck and heavily damaged by a moving vehicle

Repairs required to front corner of house due to damage resulting from a car and failure to stop at an adjoining T-intersection.

Assist Owner in negotiations with insurance company and provide detailed quote and cost breakdown to substantiate additional cost needed to complete repairs


  • Provide house security and dust barriers
  • Structural repairs to wall and floor framing
  • Interior drywall and patching
  • Floor refinishing
  • Window and front door replacement
  • Exterior repairs to stucco and cedar shingles
  • Electrical upgrades
  • Installation of custom milled interior and exterior detailing
  • New front door entry
  • Interior and Exterior prep, prime and painting
  • Create new front door roof line


– Jack Stabb, Owner and Head Contractor

Car Damage Repair: Step-by-Step